These three characters? Rebellious brainchild Br-ian the Br-ain. Jus-Tin Man Bieber Beaver the heart throb. Beavers love wood and so do Biebers. Kanye Kan-Yeshua Lion of Judah, the courageous. Not to mention the Last In Line lyrics, "We're off to the witch, we may never, never, never come home."
The Ice Breakers page will lead seculars to the gospel delicately and slowly if they continue to the bottom of that page to possibly click on the Wise Clever Amazing link. If my blog pages bring just one person to Christ, then it's well worth my dark and gritty humor. What better way to lure in seculars with a down to earth, "I understand what you're going through," page because I'm not perfect either. And I know other Christians will frown at this, but did Jesus smack their knuckles with wooden rulers when they were down and out or when they were half foot in Jesus and half foot in the world? No, Jesus helped them up while they were down in the dumps.
This screenplay is for SECULARS. So, I'm sorry my brothers and sisters of Christ for my letting them have some silly, goofy, laffy-taffy cake, while luring them to the true gospel. I'm letting them know that Christians are human too, not perfect in any way. I am a fisher of men. It takes a hunter.
Outside / Daytime / Blue sky with clouds
All credits in Shimmering Gold like the picture below.
Song Jesus is Coming Back:
Minute mark: 00:00:00 - 00:00:13. Camera follows the Holy Spirit dove as dove flies through blue sky to a cloud and lands on a cloud with a solid perch.
Minute mark: 00:00:14 - 00:00:30. Lightning strikes the dove, turning the dove into Krystill. Krystill is sitting on a cloud. Her eyes follow as another cloud floats by in front of her and slightly below her cloud. That cloud has a picture of Kristy Sokol in a picture frame sitting on the cloud. Credit on screen appears in shimmering, gold letters, (like the picture below), for whoever is playing character Krystill.
Lightning strikes Krystill turning her into the dove.
Minute mark: 00:00:31 - 00:00:38. Camera follows the dove as the dove flies downward toward the ocean to a sailing schooner. Dove flies towards Sam Eagle, who's in the crow's nest. Dove lands on the crow's nest as Sam Eagle or the name of the puppeteer is credited on screen.
Minute mark: 00:00:39 - 00:00:56. Camera follows the dove. The dove flies fast, like a torpedo, down from the crow's nest, and onto a side cannon. Dove walks along cannon and into the bowels of the ship. Camera continues to follow dove inside the ship to find Nick Carter, Shia LaBeouf, Corin Nemec dressed as cabin boys. They are sleeping, laying upwards or slumped over against burlap bags and wooden barrels among the cannons and cannon balls. Their names credited on screen.
Minute mark: 00:00:57 - 00:01:11. Door opens by itself as camera goes into the galley where Masterson, Rizzo, Bubba and Tatooey are swimming and diving into an open topped barrel of port. Their names or the puppeteer's names credited on screen all at the same time. (Time restraints to go smoothly along with the song.)
Minute mark: 00:01:12 - 00:01:32. Camera goes into a different door that opens up by itself at the other end of the galley. Tim Allen, sitting at desk writing on parchment with a feather and ink well, is dressed as a lieutenant. Camera comes in behind him, goes around him to where the camera focuses on the desk and him writing. A framed picture sits on the desk or the book he's writing in has the picture of Kristy and Tony. Camera raises up to focus on frontal view of Tim. Tim Allen credit on screen.
Minute mark: 00:01:33 - 00:01:44. Camera goes around Tim and focuses on the framed pictures on the wall. Roger Daltry dressed in red, Kristy Sokol in the middle, and Pete Townshend dressed in blue with Pete and Rogers names credited on screen.
Minute mark: 00:01:56 - 00:02:10. Dove lands on Jesus' shoulder. Jesus is dressed in His robe. Jesus steers the helm. Brian Head Welch credited on screen. Camera lowers down and zooms into the center of the helm. Kristy Sokols face is on the helm. Helm begins spinning. Camera continues zooming into the spinning Kristy face until next scene appears in the woods with a vagabond gypsy carriage.
In the woods / sun is setting
Minute mark: 00:02:11 - 00:02:20. Camera flies through the woods, following the dove. An opalescent stream of The Living Waters, which looks like the golden roads of heaven, acts as a path winding between three prominent trees ahead. Each tree has a character standing next to it. Each tree has a picture frame of Kristy Sokol hanging on the tree next to the standing character.
Minute mark: 00:02:21 - 00:02:30. Brian Hugh Warner is dressed as the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. The dove lands on top of Brians head. Camera zooms up close to Brian and the picture frame of Kristy. Brian Hugh Warner credit on screen.
Minute mark: 00:02:31 - 00:02:42. Justin Bieber is dressed as the tinman from the Wizard of Oz. The dove lands on Justins axe handle, which is wedged in the side of the tree like a branch. Camera zooms up close to Justin and the picture frame of Kristy. Justin Bieber credit on screen.
Minute mark: 00:02:43 - 00:02:53. Kanye West is dressed as the lion from the Wizard of Oz. The dove lands on the tip of Kanye's erect tail. Camera zooms up close to Kanye and the picture frame of Kristy. Kanye West credit on screen. Kanye's tail whips, causing the dove to fly off down the path.

In the woods / sun has set, not yet dark, but twilight-ish
Minute mark: 00:02:54 - 00:03:10. Camera follows dove into a gypsy caravan window. Dove lands on an open or closed bible with a red ribbon bookmark. The bible is on a tea table surrounded by tea light candles. The tea table is up against the wall.
Camera backs up and moves upwards to see the pictures on the wall.
Three candle sconces with three lit candles are attached to the picture frames, lighting up each picture. The candles will match the frames and be melted down enough to not obstruct the pictures. Use either tea light candles and or melted down candlesticks. From left to right on the wall in this order are these three pictures in their own special frame: Roseanne, Kristy and Alice.
I don't know who took this picture of Roseanne, but it would be great to recreate it with her in the same stance with the same open-mouthed, smiley face, yet with mime makeup and some extravagant, antique-style dress and antique-style wig.
Roseanne's photo is inside a Beauty and Beast style frame with roses and rose sconces. Alice is dressed in his usual top hat, painted self, inside a zebra frame or his photo background will be zebra and his frame will be ornate. Picture of Kristy Sokol in a suitable frame that matches her attire will be between Roseanne and Alice. Roseanne and Alice credit on screen.
Camera diverts attention away from the wall and focuses back to the dove, who's still perched on the bible.
Outside / Night
Minute mark: 00:03:11 - to fade out. Dove flies outside, through the opened caravan door, into the Chocolate Chip COOKIE moonlit sky with a full Chocolate Chip COOKIE moon, fireflies, the glowing, opalescent, stream and a bright glow in the distance shining through the trees ahead.
The Glowing Tree of Life:
The opalescent stream surrounds the outside of the tree like a moat with glowing rain and tiny sparkly, opalescent diamonds falling into the moat. (Remember in the movie during the Last in Line, there's rain falling from heaven in one spot down into the woods. This is that same rain spot.)
Dove flies through the rain and into the Glowing Tree of Life, camera follows into the tree to a close up of the heart carved in the tree, then camera moves down to Molly or Victoria.
Beatles, The End for last 30 seconds of the song to finish up the last credits.
Minute mark 00:01:30 - 00:02:00.
The 4-person group sitting in a circle under the tree of life sings this last part with these ad-libbed lyrics... we see that the beavers are singing too, but we only hear the voices of the 4 SNL and Tucker humanoids, Chris Tucker, David Spade, Victoria Jackson, Adam Sandler.
And in the end
The bread He breaks
Is equal to
The love He gave
((( What do the ad-libbed lyrics mean? Jesus, who is our daily bread, was flogged and nailed to the cross, His flesh broken for our transgressions. He is the bread of life. The breaking of His flesh-bread is equal to His love. Butt seriously folks, Jesus gotta get Lennon back for saying them Beatles be more popular than Jesus for reels and reals. Hmm wa ha ha ha. God created music and humor, so let's honor Him to the hilts of truth, as warriors of God. Respecting our creator. The Ten Commandments is a very long movie, so I hope and pray that the length of this God honoring film is suitable and agreeable with the whole operation and production. )))
Everyone in the circle is sitting on a tree stump. Carved into the Tree Trunk above Molly or Victoria is a heart with these words carved in it, "Rest In Him" and a crucifixion cross carved at the top in the cleavage of the heart. Molly or Victoria is sitting with the Golden Glowing WHEAT Tree of Life behind her back with an open bible in her lap. Yes, this tree will be a wheat tree, flowing like a willow. The circle of people and beavers will be encompassed by the tree like in this picture, but with thick foliage and a huge tree trunk.
Glow in the dark vines, which are a part of the tree, those vines wrap around the stumps and come together into a halo circle on the ground in the middle of the tree stump circle. The vines glow in the color of the grape picture above.
Refer to pictures below for wardrobe attire.
Molly or Victoria is sitting camera left of Poinsettia beaver. Molly or Victoria's and Pointsettia's name appears on screen credit.
From the middle of the circle, the camera turns to the right to see Chris Tucker. Chris's name is on screen credit.
Camera turns to the right to Winston beaver whos' sitting camera left of David or Dana. David or Dana's and Winston's name is on screen credit.
Camera turns to the right to Happy J beaver who's sitting camera left of Adam or Jimmy. Adam or Jimmy's and Happy J's name is on screen credit.
Poinsettia's guitar and bow & arrows are leaning against her tree stump chair. She's wearing a white gown and a leafy, wreath with a few flowers on her head.
Winston is wearing a minstrel outfit.
Happy J is wearing an Evil Knievel suit with a football helmet. Happy J's cape and top seams are above his tail. He still has his googly eyeglasses on.
Credits done, song done, Happy J does a loud fart with neon green gasses coming out his arse, spreading around the circle. Molly or Victoria fans the air with her bible. Poinsettia falls off her tree stump, gagging about on the ground. Chris tucker says, "Dang J. Something done crawled up your ass and died!" Adam just gives dirty disgusting looks at Happy J. David lifts Happy J's tail and says, "I'm still waiting for a diamond to pop out that thing."
After David lifts Happy J's tail, Happy J farts one more time, a super huge fart that drops a shimmering, rainbowesque diamond from his rear on the tree stump as he rockets at a 45-degree angle, with a rainbow shooting out his butt like a jet stream. From camera left to right, he flies off screen. Camera zooms to the tree stump to see the words 'Rock Bottom" carved in the stump, with the diamond that came out his butt between the two words. (Refer to crude, tree stump picture below on how to CUT a farty diamond on a log.)
Clip of Flock of Seagulls, Space Age Love Song. Song minute mark 00:00:03 - 00:01:04 song fades out at 00:01:04 or any time before that, as long as this instrumental piece gets us through to the rolling credits, clip song to fade out accordingly with footage.
Happy J flies across the screen in outer space, from camera left to right, with the planet Jupiter in the distance behind him to the right of center in the starry sky. Cookie Monster is slowly floating up in the path of Happy J. Happy J's velocity knocks Cookie Monster off his path, causing Cookie to spin out of control off the screen. As all of this is happening, the rainbow jet stream, that is shooting out of Happy J's butt, that rainbow stream is raining tiny diamonds from it like rain. The rainbow jet stream, which is still raining diamonds, remains on screen after Happy J and Cookie exit the screen.
One of the diamonds flies towards the camera, getting closer and closer to the camera. Brian (Jesus) in bloody crucifixion, with his head tilted down to camera left, that diamond, flying towards the camera, is covering his chest. That diamond has a waterfall pouring from the bottom of it in the same area where Jesus is speared in the ribs. As Jesus and the diamond come closer to the camera, the diamond gets really close with these words in rainbow colors etched in it... 'Living Waters Bread of Life'. (Refer to picture below). Camera goes past those words, deeper into the diamond with a picture that starts small and expands to full screen as the camera gets closer. This last picture is the rolling credits screen. (Refer below for all pictures).
We the Kingdom's Holy Water plays during the rolling credits. Rolling credits have the Wise Clever Amazing link at the bottom of the rolling credits with the words I Understand and Wish to Continue below the link to ensure people to correctly find the link.
T H E * D I A M O N D * M E S S A G E
Throwing you all a funny bone. Jesus paid for us to not end up in the bowels of hell where we'd end up being consumed by demons. Rather we spiritually consume Him into our bowels of hell, cuz the Holy Spirit has to live within us and see all that we do. Jesus did go to hell on the first day of His death for a time, to tell Satan and the demons, though they be cheaters but still stick to legalities, that the testament was now changed.
The bible is our manual, but Jesus Himself, as the Holy Spirit, He is a smore-gas-borg corny-cope-ee-yeah of so much delight and creativity and wonderment. We truly must be like children to enter His kingdom. We are either CHILDREN of God or chill-drain of the devil. Do you remember who you once were at that tender age?
A woman arrived in a store wearing clothes that showed her body all too well. The shop owner, being a wise older man, took a good look at her, asked her to sit down, looked straight into her eyes, and said something she would never forget for the rest of her life.
“Young Lady, everything that God has made valuable in this world, is covered up and hard to see or find."
For example:
1. Where can you find diamonds?
• In the ground, covered and protected.
2. Where are the pearls?
• Deep in the ocean, covered and protected in a beautiful shell.
3. Where can you find gold?
• Underground, covered with layers of rock, and to get there you have to work very hard and dig deep.
He looked at her again and said, "Your body is sacred and unique to God."
You are far more precious than gold, diamonds, and pearls, therefore you must be covered too.
He then added: "If you keep your precious minerals like gold, diamonds, and pearls deeply covered, a “reputable mining organization” with the necessary machines, will work for years to mine those precious goods.
* First, they will contact your government (family),
* Second, sign professional contracts (marriage),
* Third, they will professionally extract those goods, and tenderly refine those precious goods. (marital life).
But if you let your minerals find themselves on top of the Earth's surface (exposed to everyone), you will always attract many illegal miners to come, exploit, illegally, and freely take those riches and leave you without the precious goods God gave you!
Remember; Class is more desirable than Trash.
Diane Walls
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Does anyone else think that
Bob Malooga Looga
Looga Looga Looga,
and John Lennon look similar?
Yes, me thinks they dooze.
I encourage everyone to click on the ROAST MY ARSE link, which is also the Campfire and Wise Clever Amazing link from the Ice Breakers Page, where you'll find the Human Beanie Roast, starring Mr. Hankey, The Black Beddy Garden Bam Ah LAMB of Jesus, The Cullens, Bubba Sparxx, Eddy Grants Electric Avenue, Ferris Beuhler, Chris Rock roasting my ass, Will & Jada passing gas, RICKY BERWICK taking it like a man, In Living Colors Wanda and DRACULA, The Holy Swiss Jesus Roasting Luci's Ass, and much much more!
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